Our Vision

Out of our intense love, admiration and extreme devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ we are endeavoring to take the Healing that was given to us through the precious shed blood of Jesus Christ to the nations of the world to bring individuals physical, spiritual, emotional, healing and deliverance through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The ultimate purpose of God was THE HEALING OF THE NATIONS. Nations need healing because of sin and corruption that can destroy the reason for a nations existence.
Sin is both degenerative and pervasive in its influence within a nation. If it is not eradicated or contained at any level, it has a ripple effect in its impact. Sin and iniquity begin at the personal level and spread to the social spheres before infiltrating the cultural dimensions.
If it is not arrested it becomes institutionalized and hence oppressive until it is codified by law and hence legitimized. Sin invariably has environmental consequences and ultimately becomes trans-generational in its impact. (C.Peter Morgan)

The heart behind everything that we do is found in Deut 6:5
"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength." Because we love him we serve him and the fruit of this love is our service to others. Jesus said in Matt 20:26 "whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave."
We believe that the greatest resource for ministry is sitting in our churches each Sunday morning and it is our job to equip them, encourage them, and release them to reach their world for Jesus Christ. We also believe that the ministry of the evangelist is a vital and necessary key to unlock the treasure that is in our churches—through inspiration, example, training, and impartation.
Our desire is to help by the anointing and direction of God’s Holy Spirit teach and spiritually train individuals how to take their place in the body of Christ and to be an example in and for the community.
Our ministry assists those that are hurting, broken and wounded through healing and development into effective anointed and Holy Spirit filled Christian disciples based on Jesus Christ teachings.
God has called Rev Steve and & Rev Anna and the Healing the Nations family to bring families together and heal the nation one soul at a time. “By His strips we are Healed.” We are committed to minister spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally and to everyone we come in contact with. Matthew 9:37-38.