Rev. Steve Robeson
It is my honor to write you on behalf of my good friend, the Rev. Steve Robinson-Worley. I met Steve and his beloved Anna in 2005. It was a great joy visiting the sick in my parish with them. In addition to the gentle Spirit that they brought to each person whom they touched, I would frequently hear after the visit, that people were feeling better after Steve and Ann prayed for them. However, that is not the only kind of healing work that I have shared with Steve.
He has also been at work healing the wound of racism in the St. Louis area. In fact, during the Ferguson crisis, at almost the same time that I was on the street during the protests, praying and marching with and listening to the angry cries of many people, Steve was with another part of the crowd, working in close cooperation with the St. Louis County Police, and was trying to talk a very angry white young man out of doing harm to some African American people in the crowd. I know many people in Ministry who did not come near the Ferguson protests, but Steve knew how important it was to bring a healing presence at such a time.