Conversion Testimony
by Rev Don Kroesen

As I look back today, I can view my conversion as an onlooker. First, I feel that God allowed me to see the sin I was in. I not only knew that I was as low as I could get, but even felt that I could taste and smell the hint of hell upon me.
This brought on my own anger against myself. You see, even I hated the sin in me. I couldn't live with myself. I was slowly destroying myself, and I knew it.
I recall standing in the doorway of church; and as soon as the Pastor's eyes would fix upon me, I slammed the door and walked away in show of my hatred.
Anyone with God in his heart who came near me could bring the satan in me to a state of near convulsion.
Yes, I hated the God in every Christian; and when I saw God in my wife, I tried to put her through the hell I knew. But the God in her heard my soul screaming for help.

I can say today to all of you who have the truth of God living inside of you ...please be attuned to the screams of the lost. Their only hope of salvation is through the Christ in you revealed as the light of truth spoken in love. God's spirit in you has the power to heal those who burn with the evil of satan in their lives.
Do not compromise to try to comfort those souls in the agony of their sin, but let the light expose the truth which satan will flee from. You will almost be able to hear him flee from them. Then your love can pick up that torn and tattered soul (as mine was) and nurse it back to life. God's words then are so very comforting.
My wife had to hand feed me the bible, but I knew that I needed it and finally accepted it. God's word, God's love, God's grace are all emulated from his Spirit in you. Let that Spirit go save another one of God's children. You will hear them...the darkness is full of their screams!