About Grace
by Annette Peters

We often hear about grace. We hear it from the pulpit, we hear it in songs, we read about it in the Bible but do we really know & understand what grace really is? In 1Cor. 10:13, we read about His grace being all we need to sustain us when we are going thru stuff or old habits come around trying to get us to pick them back up.
God will sustain us if we stay focused on Him and not on the temptation. God is faithful and will not let us be tempted above that which we can bear, even though it may seem otherwise. He will always make a way of escape. It is by grace that we are saved thru faith. Eph 2:5
We cannot get saved without believing that God is and will forgive us thru the finished work Jesus did thru His life, death & resurrection. We cannot earn our salvation, it is a gift of God, we can only receive it by faith thru grace as told us in Eph. 2:8. God gives the unbeliever a measure of grace as a gift that they might believe in Jesus Christ, without it they can't get saved.
Jesus Christ is our redeemer. Let's look at the word redemption, like the word grace, we hear it a lot as well. Jesus came and died and rose again so that He could buy back fallen humanity. He paid the price so that He could deliver us, set us free from sin and all of it's penalties by His grace. We are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
Jesus Christ is our redeemer. Let's look at the word redemption, like the word grace, we hear it a lot as well. Jesus came and died and rose again so that He could buy back fallen humanity. He paid the price so that He could deliver us, set us free from sin and all of it's penalties by His grace. We are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
He shed His blood for us that He could reclaim humanity from the clutches of the devil. We are free to love God, love each other and love the lost. His grace that He has so freely given to us, is in us not to just be there but to give to others that they may see Him in us, that they may come to know His redemption thru this gift of grace. We are privileged to know God's love thru His Son Jesus. Let us not use His grace as a crutch but let's use it for Gods glory to go out and win our fellow man.
Without grace, we cannot get saved as we have seen and we are redeemed by the blood Jesus shed for us. Let us never forget the importance of these and never take them for granted, thanking God every day for His goodness to us.