A Prayer For Today
by Marilyn Worley

Open my eyes, Lord Help me to see Life in it's truth, Lord According to Thee.
Teach me to know My real, true need. Give me Your wisdom Your will for me.
Sanctify my thinking May Your thoughts be mine so I may walk perfect
in Your love divine.
You are my Shepherd You are my guide You are my Redeemer,
Walk by my side.
May your righteous, right hand Hold me so tight that I never stray
From doing what's right.
Abiding in Your will day after day; Only to please You in Your arms, always
Open my eyes, Lord Help me to see Life in it's truth, Lord According to Thee.
Teach me to know My real, true need. Give me Your wisdom Your will for me.
Sanctify my thinking May Your thoughts be mine so I may walk perfect
in Your love divine.
You are my Shepherd You are my guide You are my Redeemer,
Walk by my side.
May your righteous, right hand Hold me so tight that I never stray
From doing what's right.
Abiding in Your will day after day; Only to please You in Your arms, always
My sacrifice [the sacrifice acceptable] to God is a broken spirit;
a broken and a contrite heart [broken down with sorrow for sin and humbly and thoroughly penitent], such, O God, You will not despise.
Psalm 51:17